María Alejandra García

Scholar passionate on gender equality and social justice in rural Latin America.


Articles in peer-reviewed journals in English

Pretend Participation: Procedural Injustices in the Madeira Hydroelectric Complex

Mayer A., García M.A, Castro-Diaz L, Lopez M.C., Moran E.F

Global Environmental Change, vol. 75, 2022, pp. 1-14

Advancing Convergence Research: Renewable Energy Solutions for Off-Grid Communities

Moran E.F, Lopez M.C, Mourãoc R, Brown E, McCright A.M, Walgren J, Bortoleto A.N, Mayer A, Cavallini-Johansen I, Ramos K.N, Castro-Diaz L, M.A García, Cavalcanti Lembi R, Mueller N

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), vol. 119(46), 2022, pp. 1-12

The Role of Violence in Planetary Health (Commentary article)

Correa C, Marin I, García M.A

The Lancet Planetary Health, vol. 5(3), 2021, pp. e113-114.

Are Large-scale Hydroelectric Dams Inherently Undemocratic?

García M.A., Castro-Díaz L, Villamayor-Tomas S, Lopez M.C

Global Environmental Change, vol. 71, 2021, pp. 1-14

Household Survey Data of Adoption of Improved Varieties and Management Practices in Rice Production, Ecuador

Marin D, Orrego-Varona M, Yanez F, Mendoza L, García M.A, Twyman J, Andrade R, Labarta R

Data in Brief, vol. 18, 2018, pp. 1252-1256

Novel Technological and Management Options for Accelerating Transformational Changes in Rice and Livestock System

Chirinda N, Arenas L, Loaiza S, Trujillo C, Katto M.C, Chaparro P, Nuñez J, Arango A, Martinez-Baron D, Loboguerrero A.M, Becerra Lopez-Lavalle L.A, Avila I, Guzmán M, Peters M, Twyman J, García M.A, Serna L, Escobar D, Arora D, Tapasco J, Mazabel I, (…), Barahona R

Sustainability, vol. 9, 2017, pp. 1-16

Identifying Women Farmers: Informal Gender Norms as Institutional Barriers to Recognizing Women´s Contributions to Agriculture.

Twyman J, Muriel J, García M.A

Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security, vol. 1(2), 2015, pp. 1-17

Articles in peer-reviewed journals in Spanish

Detrás de las cifras de violencia contra las mujeres en Colombia

García M.A, Ibarra-Melo M.E

Sociedad y Economía, vol. 32, 2017, pp. 41-64

La violencia contra las mujeres: un asunto público

Ibarra-Melo M.E, García M.A

La Manzana de la Discordia, vol. 7(2), 2012, pp. 23-33

Selected working papers in English and Spanish

Joint decision-making and Women’s Agency on Small-scale Farms in Colombia and Nicaragua

García M.A, Godek W, Twyman J

International Center for Tropical Agriculture, 2021, p. 24

How Might the Gender Roles Affect the Implementation of a New Water-saving Technique for Colombian Rice Production?: Report of Gender Dimensions in Colombian Rice Production

García M.A, Katto M.C, Twyman J, La Hue G, Chirinda N

CIAT publication No. 437, International Center for Tropical Agriculture, 2016, p. 37

Desmonte de viuda. Una exploración cualitativa sobre los roles de las mujeres en la producción de arroz en Ecuador

García M.A

CIAT publication No. 410, International Center for Tropical Agriculture, 2015, p. 48

Selected policy briefs, info-notes and blogs in English and Spanish

Challenges in Accessing Coffee Pesticide for Female Household Heads in Rwanda.

Gerard A, Lopez M.C, García M.A, Bizoza A.R, Vuguziga B

Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy. Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University, 2020, p. 4

El rol de las mujeres en la producción de arroz en Nicaragua. Una reflexión sobre los datos desagregados por sexo

Tafur-Rueda M, García M. A, Muñoz L. A, Twyman J

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), 2015, p. 6

Are women rice farmers in Latin America?

Twyman J, García M.A, Muriel J

Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) led by IFPRI. Blog, 2015